January 7, 2009

Window in the Sky

There’s nothing quite like coming home at the end of a really long day, leaving your shoes by the door, and stepping into your cozy slippers to scoot around the house. It’s even more delightful when your husband is right there with you in his fuzzies…

2008 brought on a lot of major changes in my life: I got engaged and married to the best man I know, moved out of an apartment that I shared with two amazing women, and started life over on the west side of Chicago with my husband. After many years (25 to be exact) of living with multiple women at one time, I’m now living with a boy.

And it’s wonderful.

This is a whole new world for me, living with a boy. I grew up in a home dominated by females and since leaving home I proceeded to share my rent with a variety of fabulous women. Now I have a whole new kind of roommate…not just a boy—a husband. I confess I was nervous to step into the unknown territory of living with a boy. As you can imagine, I’ve not heard good things. I’m not sure what I was expecting, but sharing a home with Randy brings me great joy.

People always ask what surprised me most about getting married and I am certain it is the fact that the whole transition felt very natural…like it was supposed to be this way. What a great feeling!

Husbands…are awesome. I’ve never felt so protected, cared for, and loved. On the flip side, I’ve never felt so selfish, incompetent, and busy before. Someone once told me something I cannot forget as I’m certain it defines what I’m experiencing right now:

“If you want to learn to serve like Jesus, stay single. If you want to learn to love like Jesus, get married.”

Marriage is a method of sanctification...a perfect design that requires humility, servitude, self-sacrifice, and prayer. Lots of prayer. It’s like a testing period where we’re forced to examine the attributes of Christ because it’s the only way we’re ever going to come close to loving one another well.