May 29, 2009

living the dream

have i mentioned that being married is awesome? this morning i woke snuggled under the blankets next to my hubby and i smiled because moments like that are sheer perfection...that is before you realize it's not actually saturday and you have to get out of bed & trudge to work looking somewhat presentable. (then again, it is casual friday so looking presentable is a matter of opinion).

i live in two worlds. i have a home & a family (albeit currently just me & my husband) and i so desire to be a master houswife. i want to bake banana bread, dust the night stands, have company over for dinner, perfect the art of container gardening, and squeeze in a little pilates (what? this housewife wants to look good too).

but i also have a job. i love the hustle & bustle of my posh little corporate job. the expressway commute, skirts & expensive boots, the perfect accessory (believe me, i'm a designer...this is very relevant to my job), deadlines followed by more deadlines, sushi, overtime pay, etc.

are there any other ladies out there who feels desperately torn between two worlds? Trying to keep up with your peers in corporate America AND having dinner on the table by 6 (let's be realisitic, it's usually more like 8) is exhausting.

weekday Highlights:
-seeing one of the "business professionals" at my firm walk by in pigtails. (you can't make this stuff up)
-having my favorite ladies come over to eat up all the left-over Memorial Day BBQ chippies

weekday Lowlights:
-2 house centipede sitings in 4 days (it's a slightly less tramatizing experience when i have a brave husband to kill the creepy critters while i stand on the toilet and squeal--thanks honey)

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